
Gillian Bartolo interviews Aline P’nina Tayar

A Jewish Family in Malta First published on An interpreter by profession, Aline P’nina Tayar is a descendant of the famous Jewish business family Tayar – many will remember their shop where Marks and Spencers now stands in Valletta- who lived and thrived in Malta for over a century. She has written a fascinating […]


Rachel Kohn Interviews Aline P’nina Tayar, ABC Radio

They say travel is the best way to find yourself. It’s also one way to discover your ancestral roots. We’ll do a bit of both today. Aline P’nina Tayar takes us to one of the least-known Jewish communities in the world, on the island of Malta. And Jesuit priest Michael McGirr recounts his travels through […]

Manoel Theatre courtesy wikicommons

Presentation at Manoel Theatre, Valletta

Dr. Carmel Vassallo has invited me here tonight to give a personal view, a ‘case study’, so to speak, of a Mediterranean Jewish family with all its typical ramifications extending through the whole of the region (and later well beyond the region.) It is a story or rather a series of stories recounted in my […]